Monday, December 17, 2007

Rudy Giuliani

Who?: Former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani (R-NY)

Musician supporters: Adam Sandler, punk musician Jimmy Camp

What I assume is on his personal music player: Probably Billy Joel, Probably not Lou Reed

On the Record: Rudy's favorite music is opera.

MC Artificial recorded "Vote for Rudy", but we think he's being tongue-in-cheek.

Rudy also doesn't like rap, but buys his bling where the rappers go.

A quick Google Image Search shows Rudy backstage with Jennifer Lopez

Mo Giuliani, Mo Problems

Will Rudy answer my question "What music are you currently listening to?": Looking back in time, people might speculate that the first sign Giullani's campaign was over was his 3rd place finish in Iowa. Others will say they knew Rudy's chances were finished when he finished 4th in New Hampshire. But the real turning point was when he did not respond to my question.

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